10 Ways To Become An SEO Expert


SEO is a vast field that includes many different aspects, including content creation, keyword research, link building, site optimization and more. It’s hard to know where to start when learning about SEO and understanding how search engines work. Luckily for you, we’ve put together this ultimate guide of things you can do to become an expert in everything related to SEO. Just like our SEO consultant Sydney he keeps on learning things in SEO and keeping himself update with trends so that he can never left behind with everybody.

Learn to think like a search engine.

The first step to becoming an SEO expert is to learn how search engines work and how they differ from humans. The fact that most people don’t understand this can lead to some major SEO mistakes.

For example, if you don’t understand how a search engine’s ranking algorithm works, you can waste tons of time focusing on the wrong things—like keyword density or meta tags and links—instead of optimizing for what matters most: user experience (UX).

You also need to know that not all websites are created equal. In fact, there are so many factors at play when Google decides which website to rank first for any given keyword that no two sites will ever be completely identical in terms of their rankings for those keywords (or any other ones). So what’s the point? Why even bother learning about SEO at all?

Because knowing how things work can help us do them better!

Take advantage of free SEO tools.

  • SEOptimer: This free tool is designed to check the ranking of your site on major search engines.
  • SEOquake: This Chrome extension shows you how well-optimized a page is for specific keywords. It also shows you how many links your competitor’s website has pointing back at it, and it includes other information like estimated traffic, social shares, and more.
  • SEO Site Checkup: This tool allows you to analyze the performance of your website in terms of mobile friendliness, accessibility and responsiveness (also known as A/B testing). You can also use this site builder to create new pages or edit existing ones with templates that automatically adjust based on device size so that they look good no matter which type of device someone uses when viewing them on their screen – something especially important for small businesses looking for an easy way sell products online without having any technical experience!

Keep up with the latest trends.

The world of SEO is ever-changing. It’s important to keep up with the latest trends and learn new skills, tricks, tools, strategies and tactics that will help you become an expert in your field. You can do this by reading blogs like Moz or Search Engine Land, following influential industry leaders on Twitter or checking out online communities such as Facebook groups or Reddit threads.

Learn from experts who share their knowledge for free.

There are many experts who share their knowledge for free. You just have to know where to look. Here are some options:

  • Social media
  • Websites
  • Forums
  • Blogs and websites run by other professionals (e.g., a blog on the website of your local Chamber of Commerce) This can be great if you’re looking for advice about specific types of businesses in your community or region, such as restaurants or hotels/motels. *Blogs written by individuals who specialize in certain niches, such as travel blogging.* YouTube videos produced by individuals (e.g., tutorials on how to use Adobe Photoshop) *Podcasts produced by individuals (e.g., podcasts outlining specific topics related to SEO)*

Find a mentor or hire an expert to work with you.

  • Find a mentor or hire an expert to work with you.

Find someone who is willing to help you out and answer any questions that come up as you go along. This can be especially helpful if you’re new at SEO, or if it’s been awhile since your last project. You may need someone who knows where the pitfalls are and can steer you clear of them before they happen.

Read the documentation and how-to articles, including Google’s SEO Starter Guide.

Read the documentation and how-to articles, including Google’s SEO Starter Guide.

Google’s Search Console Help Center is another great resource to keep bookmarked in your browser. The tool provides information on things like search result quality, mobile friendliness and more.

A third helpful resource is the Keyword Planner tool, which helps you figure out which keywords have the most search volume (and therefore are worth pursuing).

Look at what your competitors are doing.

  • Use the tools that are available to you. There are plenty of free and paid tools out there to help you determine what your competitors are doing. Some of my favorite SEO tools are MozBar, SEMrush and Ahrefs.
  • Look at your competitor’s content and see if you can replicate it; look at their backlinks and see if you can replicate them; look at their keywords and see if they’ve done keyword research as well.

Experiment and research new methods and ranking factors.

One of the best ways to become an SEO expert is to experiment and research new methods and ranking factors.

  • Try testing new techniques to see what works for your niche, business, audience and even competitors.
  • Conduct some competitive analysis on the websites you want to beat with your own site (tools like Open Site Explorer make this easy). This can help you find out what type of content they’re producing and how they’re getting ranked.

Get involved in the SEO community.

  • Get involved in the SEO community.
  • Join forums, participate in discussions, and ask questions. This will give you an opportunity to learn from others and make connections with people who have been working in the industry for years. It will also help you find out what other challenges are faced by your peers, so that when you find yourself facing those challenges (which is inevitable), you can utilize this information to solve them more quickly or proactively.
  • Join local offline events such as meetups or conferences because they provide opportunities both to connect with new people as well as learn from experienced professionals. Many SEO Meetup groups exist throughout the country, so go ahead and check one out today!

Continue learning, stay up-to-date, and keep improving your skills to stay on top of the game.

To become an expert in search engine optimization, you must do your homework.

Continuing to learn and improve your skills is essential to being successful as a SEO professional, which means you’ll need to stay on top of the latest trends and developments in the field. Here are some ways you can do this:

  • Continue learning from experts in the field by reading blogs, listening to podcasts, or attending webinars about SEO strategies. You can also set up Google alerts for key terms related to SEO so that whenever something new happens in the industry, it’s easily available for reference.
  • Find a mentor who has experience with both practical knowledge and theoretical expertise (such as an experienced SEO consultant). Your mentor can help guide your learning path toward areas where there are opportunities for growth.
  • Read documentation provided by Google itself—it’ll tell you what they want from websites seeking high rankings! As well as providing information about their requirements for ranking high on search results pages (SERPs), there will likely be tips provided within these guidelines which could help give ideas into how best practice should be implemented at each step of development process before launch date arrives.”

Take advantage of online resources to become an expert in everything related to SEO

There are a lot of free resources available online that can help you become an expert in SEO. These include:

  • Online forums. You can join various discussion groups on the topic of SEM (search engine marketing) and SEO, where experts share their knowledge with each other. You can also ask questions, which will be answered by these experts. These discussions are often conducted in real time, so you don’t have to wait until someone replies to your question or post; it’s all there for you when you need it!
  • Social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter are great places to get quick answers from the people who know best—others who are already working in digital marketing fields like yours! Try posting a message about something you think is confusing or hard about this field (like analytics), and see what happens when people respond with their own ideas about how things work best for them personally—you might even find some helpful tips for yourself!


I hope this list has inspired you to get started on your own journey to becoming an SEO expert. The best thing about learning SEO is that it’s a never-ending process, so there are always new things to learn and improve upon. I encourage you to keep learning, stay up-to-date with the latest trends, and continue improving your skills so that one day soon you will be able to call yourself an SEO expert! Click here to become an SEO expert.