9 Pilates Moves That Burn Major Calories


Lie on your stomach with your forehead down, your pubis anchored to the mat, and your inner thighs pressed tightly together. Your arms should be stretched forward with your palms down, and your feet should be pointed. Lift your arms, legs, chest, and head up on one count, and hold (A). Inhale and exhale normally as you alternate lifting right arm/left leg (B) and left arm/right leg (C) without touching them down to the mat. Count slowly from 1 to 10 as you swim, lifting higher and reaching longer with each progressive count. Sit back on your heels for a counter-stretch in your lower back, if needed. Find the popular beauty salon Northern Beaches which specializes on beauty parlors, treatments, spa, massage, tanning- and nail studios.


Lie on your back with your hands layered, palm over palm, behind your lifted head and with your knees bent tightly into your chest (A). Inhale slowly, and twist your torso to the left until your right elbow connects with your left knee, straightening your right leg forward and holding it a few inches above the mat (B). Exhale with control and twist right, connecting your left elbow to your right knee and extending your left leg. Continue alternating sides, completing six sets of twists.

Jogging Knees/Heel Ups

Keeping your elbows pinned to your sides and your abs pulled in and up, begin jogging and lifting your knees hip-height as you do (A). After about eight knee lifts, and without breaking stride, begin kicking your bottom with your heels (B), keeping your elbows pinned and your chest lifted. After eight bottom kicks, either move on to the next exercise or complete another set, this time reducing your lifts and kicks to six, then four, then two.

Leg Pull

Sit tall with straight legs extended, and squeeze them together tightly (your feet should be pointed). Place your hands, palms down, on the edges of the mat behind you, with your fingers pointed inward. Press into your hands, and elevate your hips (A) until your body is in a long diagonal line from head to heels. Inhale slowly as you lift your right leg up as high as it will go without shifting your body from side to side or dropping your bottom (B). Exhale with control as you return your foot to the mat, keeping your chest wide. Switch legs, and repeat. Try six times to lift your legs and hips higher and higher with each round.

Plank Jacks

Stand tall, facing the mat at one end. Inhale with control as you bring your arms up, lengthening your waist, and squeeze the backs of your upper inner thighs together tightly (A). Exhale slowly as you bring your head and arms forward, keeping them shoulder-width apart, and lower your hands to the mat by rolling through your spine (not folding at your hips); your abs should remain scooped. Place your palms on the mat with your head on your knees (bend your knees only as needed) (B). Walk your hands forward in 3 1/2 giant straight-armed steps until you are in a rigid plank position from head to heels, with your shoulders past your wrists. You should be balanced on the tips of your toes (C, D, and E). Jump your legs open and closed six times, reinforcing your stable, shoulder-past-wrist position with each jack (F). From your plank position, lift from your powerhouse muscles and fold your chest toward your thighs. Walk your hands back to your feet with straight arms, and roll up to standing. Repeat the sequence three times total.


Lie flat on your back with long, sturdy arms by your sides. Squeeze your legs together tightly from the backs of the upper inner thighs. Inhale slowly as you lift your legs overhead, rolling back until you’re balanced in the middle of your shoulder blades and the backs of your arms (A). Point your toes, and exhale with control as you roll back down your spine, leaning your body slightly to the right (B). When your right glute touches the mat, circle your legs to the left and inhale slowly (C), rolling up the left side of your body while scooping your abs and lifting your bottom (D). Continue reversing the circle direction each time, and complete three sets. Learn more about choosing your beauty spa.

Kneeling Side Kicks

Kneel in the middle of your mat with a long waist. Put your left hand, palm down, on the mat while extending your right leg out to the side, in line with your hip. Your right hand should be behind your head, your hip over your knee, and your shoulder over your wrist (A). On a swift inhale, swing your right leg back powerfully without shifting your hips in front of your knee or disturbing your upper-body position (B). Exhale forcibly as you kick your leg forward without shifting your hips back or changing the position of your chest and elbow (C). Kick front and back eight times, and then switch sides, using swinging back to open the front body, and using all eight opportunities of kicking front to deepen your scoop.