How To Protect and Restore Your Car’s Paint

We all know that we have to protect our skin from the harmful UV rays of the sun to prevent skin cancer. We lather on the sunblock, wear hats and UV blocking sunglasses and scientist are constantly coming up with new ways to add sunscreen to cosmetics and even clothing. But when was the last time you thought about your car’s paint? Unless you keep your car in the garage or covered every time you park it outdoors, the paint will fade and oxidize from the UV rays of the sun as well as the extreme weather conditions such as snow, hail, high winds, rain and even animals. So what can you do to prevent this from happening? You can have 3M™ car paint protection film installed on your new or used vehicle right at the dealership before taking it off the lot.

Prevention and Protection

Prevention is the key to saving your car’s paint from needing to be restored later due to sun and environmental damage. Start by keeping a consistent washing schedule. Don’t wait hoping that it will rain soon to wash the dirt off your car. Keeping your car clean protects the paint’s topcoat from any future damage. The topcoat is what the car uses as it’s sunscreen so keeping it clean is like maintaining a consistent coat of SPF 50 on your car. The sand, salt, snow and even rain can damage the topcoat making your paint vulnerable to the elements. Wax is your car’s paint and topcoats best friend. The topcoat does add a layer of protection to the paint but adding wax adds an additional layer that makes it difficult for dirt and other environmental elements to stick to the car. Think of it as adding an extra layer of sunscreen or just amping up the SPF level. You can never have too much sunscreen, right? Well your car will thank you for protecting it by keeping it’s beautiful shiny paint for many years to come.

Restoration – When The Paint Has Faded

Fading and oxidation of your car’s paint is not the end of the world. It will take some elbow grease but you can restore the paint job when fading and light oxidation has begun. After the car has been properly washed and dried you can use a clay bar to remove the junk that is causing your paint to be dull and appear faded. The clay bar will not remove the imperfections, scratches or swirl marks in the paint but will provide a prime surface with a tighter seal to your wax making it look better and last longer. Keep in mind that following the instructions for the clay bar is very important. Be sure to read all package instructions carefully and follow them. According to James at, “Due to the fact that a clay bar never touches your paint, it cannot remove paint imperfection, like swirl marks or scratches, and it won’t improve the shine. What it will do is remove the grunge so you can see a bright, clear finish.”

Polishing After Using The Clay Bar

The clay bar alone will not replace polishing your car. What it does do is make polishing the car easier and provides a prime surface for the polish. When washing, drying, using a clay bar and polishing/waxing your car you should always work in a shaded area out of direct sunlight. The surface of the car should be cool to touch as the products used do not work well on a hot surface. Always work on concentrated small areas of the car’s surface and follow the manufacturer’s instructions. On a normal paint job you could use a foam applicator but when the vehicle paint is lightly oxidized and fading you should use a microfiber applicator pad to apply the car polish. When you are done with the entire surface you are ready for waxing!
Waxing Your Car – What Type of Wax Should You Use?

There are basically 4 types of wax products to choose from:

  • Liquid Wax
  • Paste Wax
  • Spray Wax
  • Wipe-On, Walk Away Clear Sealant

When choosing the right wax for your car the paste and liquid formulas appear to provide the best results when you’re trying to restore faded or oxidized car paint. Spray formulas were found to be less effective and didn’t last as long as the paste or liquid formulas. If you live in a state that has harsh winters it’s recommended that you wax your car before the season begins and be prepared to keep up the maintenance every two to three months. Be sure to follow the manufacturer’s guidelines on the wax you choose. It’s important to test the product in a hidden surface such as the doorjamb before you use it on the entire car. Take your time and work in small areas.

The Finished Result

Restoring an already faded or oxidized paint finish using the recommended steps above may provide great results that will surprise you. You may also find that the paint is so badly faded, oxidized or damaged that it cannot be restored to its full luster. Some cars just cannot be restored and may need a complete paint job but if you maintain a consistent washing, clay bar, polishing and waxing schedule then you should be able to enjoy a beautiful finish on your car for years to come. Stop by your local Meineke Car Care Center. We welcome your questions and concerns at our Meineke Car Care Centers. Stop by and consult with one of our car care experts. They will be more than happy to answer your questions and get you back on the road.

Round Up Some Arts And Crafts Advice Here

Anyone and everyone can enjoy arts and crafts. There are so many types of art projects for you enjoy are endless. This article will help you enjoy doing arts and crafts experience. When picking a freelance storyboard artist, their portfolio is their major selling point.

Washable markers are some other options.

If you’re struggling to find good prices on your supplies for your art projects, look at thrift stores. Goodwill and the like have all types of stuff that crafty individuals can make use of.Check often to see what they have as items are sold quickly.

Beadaholique offers you a place to find everything they need to create custom jewelry. There is a large selection of accessories there to help you make some excellent looking jewelry. Many fashions today incorporate costume jewelry.

You should avoid examples so that your kids can use their imaginations.

You can find plenty of supplies on Etsy. This website sells items directly from individuals. You can also sell what you make there. The site is ideal when you need unusual or vintage media for craft projects.

Be sure to keep all supplies you use for arts and crafts projects are organized. There are a lot of ways to do storage, so find something that works best for you. You will also know which supplies you already on hand.

If you are starting out early on in oil painting and discover your latest canvas creation isn’t all that great, paint right over it. Oil is adaptable and it won’t harm the surface. It may even give your new project!

Roll the sticky pinecone in birdseed while your peanut butter still feels sticky. The seeds stick to the peanut butter, even after it dries, so if you hang it from a tree with a string, you can sit and watch the birds come and feast in your favorite tree.

Etsy is a fabulous place for people who are into arts and crafts. You can find inspiration or purchase there.You can also make money when you list your crafts for extra moeny to support the craft.

Use a Spirograph set to show kids how patterns work.

Look for learning opportunities when crafting with kids. You can get them to count things, adding and subtracting, in following directions, and in improving other skills while they are having fun in their project.

Buy your supplies wholesale if need lots of supplies. You can spend way too much if you shop at specialty shops and big retailers. If you can get your supplies wholesale, you can purchase large quantities at great savings.

Do not throw away the packaging after you’ve opened something. You can reuse this material in arts and crafts. Store these items in a bin for inspiration.

Be sure you make time to work on your craft projects. You should not rush through your project. High quality will come from being able to devote time devotion and attention to detail. So make some time and you’ll really see the difference.

Lots of area stores provide free pamphlets that have craft projects in them. Look for them when you walk around the store. You should find these pamphlets displayed at eye level on a hook or display. The supplies for your project will be located near the booklet.

The hobby of arts and crafts is even better when you are able to make practical items for your home. You can create your own decor elements, such as cushions, picture frames and cushions, for instance. These useful items also be great personal gifts for the people who matter to you.

Nature can be a great source of inspiration for arts and crafts. The colors found in nature provide great examples. Look out your window or look online at photographs.You will find a great idea in no time.

Your pantry can supply many craft supplies for your kids. You can use dry pasta, pasta, paint and glue to make crafts.

Are you curious about knitting but don’t quite know where to start? You will be able to learn what you want to know via reading and looking at pictures.

Making a birthday cake is a very creative endeavor.

If you have a desire to learn a certain realm of new arts and crafts projects, can you fit it into your budget? Every sort of craft requires supplies. For example, if you go into knitting, you will then need to purchase yarn. Plan out a budget before you have to.

Take time out to enjoy your favorite crafting activity. Crafts allow you express yourself and relax.You should be doing things you want.

Get all the supplies for your arts and crafts projects before you start.

Be smart in how you display your arts and crafts. Some materials may not weather well. Some projects do not last very long if you expose them to direct sunlight. Think about what you’ve made before you place it in your home.

Paper is often a major component in many arts and crafts project. Look for large packs of craft paper and browse clearance sections for variety. You cannot go wrong with the paper you buy.

Now, you will see how this information will help you when you work on your crafts. It does not matter what medium you choose, you can always benefit from good advice, and you could learn something new. Creativity is about growth and change, as you get better at your art.

Pilates – Less is More!

Anyone who knows me has heard me say this more than once: Pilates is like learning a foreign language. Just as you wouldn’t expect to know German or Chinese after just one class, you can’t expect to have mastered the Pilates method after only one or two sessions. It sometimes takes several sessions to just get the hang of it. When people ask me “What is Pilates?” I explain that it is a method of stretching and strengthening muscles at the same time, that it works the entire body and that Pilates is something anyone can do. This is true, but for most people doing Pilates for the first time it’s sometimes difficult for them to feel graceful and fluid right away. I often hear them say, “Where should I feel this?” and “I’m not sure if I’m doing it right.” As Joe Pilates said, the key is to get the mind to tell the body what to do. Easier said than done! Pilates reformer Northern Beaches attracts everyone from grandmas to executives with its promise of core strength, flexibility, and lean muscle tone.

I have been doing Pilates for 10 years and I still feel challenged by the exercises. Having not been a dancer the exercises seemed easy at first, but to do them correctly was a challenge. When I discovered Pilates, I was curious to see if it would help my back pain. A client of mine who was taking Pilates lessons told me about a studio and I scraped together enough cash to commit to a few sessions. I remember during one of my first Pilates sessions my instructor told me to use my stomach, and relax the muscles in front of my thighs to do Leg Circles, one of the beginner exercises. I thought she was crazy! “How am I supposed to hold my leg up in the air without clenching my entire thigh?” I thought. She kept moving through the exercises without stopping, which was great teaching, I now realize….because had she sat and tried to explain to me intellectually how to use certain muscles and not others, we would have wasted half the session. Thankfully, I stuck with Pilates. Why? Not because I found it easy. Not because I felt like I was good at it. Not because I felt like an acrobat in Cirque du Soliel hanging upside down off the Cadillac with my feet hooked into fuzzy straps. It was because I had fun and felt so great after each session- energized, invigorated, focused, and calm. I always looked forward to my next session. I never bought into the “it can change your body” claim. I didn’t really think my body was changeable. Plus, I didn’t really mind my body too much before Pilates, so I didn’t think much about that part. But, after a while my body really did change, clothes fit better and I felt better; pain free, more flexible, more fluid.

One of the things I truly believe is that changing your body with exercise (Pilates in particular) is absolutely within your control. But it needs to start in your mind. Not the way you might be thinking, in terms of motivation, which, of course, is important to keep you interested. By “in your mind” I mean that you need to develop awareness in your brain about your body, with real focus on what you are doing. This happens by waking up muscles that you never even knew you had (literally) and making them strong. It also happens by simply paying attention. By taking note of the subtleties of the movements you make with your body. By using imagery to place and position your body correctly so that normal movements feel effortless. By quieting your brain, listening to your own breath, noticing your habits, tendencies and weaknesses and working on them. This is what Joe Pilates had in mind when he came up with his principles, Concentration, Centering, Control, Precision, Fluidity, Breath. All of these principles are what make a Pilates exercise. Performing exercises with all of these qualities in mind is the challenge and also what separates Pilates from other types of exercises that address “core strength”. For instance, you can do the (relatively short) stomach series using all of the seven principles (no matter what your level, by the way) and still get more out of it than doing one hundred crunches without focus or control.

When you watch an experienced Pilates practitioner do a workout they make it look effortless. I can understand how many people think that Pilates is meant to be relaxing, like a massage or a soak in a Jacuzzi. After all, it’s known as a “spa”-ish exercise. The word “gentle” is often used to describe Pilates. You might even be able to get a pedicure, facial, buy organic cotton slippers and do Pilates at the same place! So it’s not a wonder I have clients who have said to me at the first session, “I actually have to do something? I thought it was something that was done to me!” One of my favorite mentors, Bob Leikens, used to joke about this all the time. He used to say, “Yes, that’s why they call it a WORK-out!”

But the reason it looks so effortless is because he or she is a) using muscle strength but not to the point of exhaustion b) doing no more than 8-10 repetitions of each exercise, c) breathing and d) probably having fun too! The truth is, you don’t need to feel a “burn” or pain every time you exercise in order to get benefit from it. That is a myth. Certain training methods, like bodybuilding, heavy weight lifting, and/or strength training, require that the muscles work until failure. This is because the goal is for the muscle to break down and rebuild itself and hypertrophy, or grow bigger in size. The people who do these types of training programs could probably benefit greatly from Pilates too. (Really!) There is really no physical activity that can’t be improved by the mind/body connection that Pilates develops. From horseback riding to swimming to simply walking, by changing the way you carry your body, Pilates makes your movements easier, more comfortable, and more efficient. I often have the opportunity to work with clients who are already clearly very fit, strong, agile and athletic. They might even have six-pack abs on the surface. That doesn’t always necessarily mean they have deep, inner strength or awareness or even control. You will find that although you might not feel pain or discomfort during your session, a Pilates workout is challenging. However, you can’t space out or talk on your cell or read a magazine while you are doing Pilates either. The exercises only REALLY begin to work when you can concentrate enough to do them as correctly as you can. So much of the “work” is just as much in your brain, and takes time, patience, learning from mistakes, and persistence. The results are well worth the effort. Just check out anyone who does Pilates regularly and watch how they move, what physical activities they enjoy, and how much time they don’t spend in pain!

There really is no end to what you can learn in Pilates….it is a practice that you can build your whole life. The deep core strength and control that you develop in Pilates are not just simply for the sake of learning more exercises and becoming a more advanced Pilates student. What you learn in Pilates should and will carry into every aspect and activity of your life. Even sitting in a chair working on a computer will feel better, easier and more efficient to you. Having more energy and feeling good and moving with ease can’t be bad for your confidence, self-esteem, even relationships. You will feel more positive about your body, and you will have more fun. All reasons why it’s worth the extra time put in, even if in the beginning you don’t know if you’re “doing it right!” So if you are one of those students who asks themselves if Pilates is really working, know that you are teaching yourself skills that you will be thankful for later!

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What is Waste Management?

Americans alone are responsible for producing a hopping 220 million tons of waste a year. This number is far more than any other nation in the world. Because of this fact both the government and environmental associations have developed numerous methods of dealing with the problem. Waste management is that solution, a rather complex issue that encompasses more than 20 different industries. Waste management is collection, transportation, and disposal of garbage, sewage and other waste products. Paper is still a major issue in most offices but when it reaches to the point you are going to get rid of it you can contact an office rubbish removal Sydney.

Waste management is the process of treating solid wastes and offers variety of solutions for recycling items that don’t belong to trash. It is about how garbage can be used as a valuable resource. Waste management is something that each and every household and business owner in the world needs. Waste management disposes of the products and substances that you have use in a safe and efficient manner.

“Waste management or Waste disposal is all the activities and actions required to manage waste from its inception to its final disposal. This includes amongst other things, collection, transport, treatment and disposal of waste together with monitoring and regulation. It also encompasses the legal and regulatory framework that relates to waste management encompassing guidance on recycling etc.”

You will find there are eight major groups of waste management methods, each of them divided into numerous categories. Those groups include source reduction and reuse, animal feeding, recycling, composting, fermentation, landfills, incineration and land application. You can start using many techniques right at home, like reduction and reuse, which works to reduce the amount of disposable material used.

Various Methods of Waste Disposal

Although there are many methods available to dispose off waste. Let’s take a look at some of the most commonly used methods that you should know about waste management.


Throwing daily waste/garbage in the landfills is the most popularly used method of waste disposal used today. This process of waste disposal focuses attention on burying the waste in the land. Landfills are commonly found in developing countries. There is a process used that eliminates the odors and dangers of waste before it is placed into the ground. While it is true this is the most popular form of waste disposal, it is certainly far from the only procedure and one that may also bring with it an assortment of space.

This method is becoming less these days although, thanks to the lack of space available and the strong presence of methane and other landfill gases, both of which can cause numerous contamination problems. Landfills give rise to air and water pollution which severely affects the environment and can prove fatal to the lives of humans and animals. Many areas are reconsidering the use of landfills.


Incineration or combustion is a type disposal method in which municipal solid wastes are burned at high temperatures so as as to convert them into residue and gaseous products. The biggest advantage of this type of method is that it can reduce the volume of solid waste to 20 to 30 percent of the original volume, decreases the space they take up and reduce the stress on landfills.

This process is also known as thermal treatment where solid waste materials are converted by Incinerators into heat, gas, steam and ash. Incineration is something that is very in countries where landfill space is no longer available, which includes Japan.

Recovery and Recycling

Resource recovery is the process of taking useful discarded items for a specific next use. These discarded items are then processed to extract or recover materials and resources or convert them to energy in the form of useable heat, electricity or fuel.

Recycling is the process of converting waste products into new products to prevent energy usage and consumption of fresh raw materials. Recycling is the third component of Reduce, Reuse and Recycle waste hierarchy. The idea behind recycling is to reduce energy usage, reduce volume of landfills, reduce air and water pollution, reduce greenhouse gas emissions and preserve natural resources for future use.

Plasma gasification

Plasma gasification is another form of waste management. Plasma is a primarily an electrically charged or a highly ionized gas. Lighting is one type of plasma which produces temperatures that exceed 12,600 °F . With this method of waste disposal, a vessel uses characteristic plasma torches operating at +10,000 °F which is creating a gasification zone till 3,000 °F for the conversion of solid or liquid wastes into a syngas.

During the treatment solid waste by plasma gasification, the waste’s molecular bonds are broken down as result of the intense heat in the vessels and the elemental components. Thanks to this process, destruction of waste and dangerous materials is found. This form of waste disposal provides renewable energy and an assortment of other fantastic benefits.


Composting is a easy and natural bio-degradation process that takes organic wastes i.e. remains of plants and garden and kitchen waste and turns into nutrient rich food for your plants. Composting, normally used for organic farming, occurs by allowing organic materials to sit in one place for months until microbes decompose it. Composting is one of the best method of waste disposal as it can turn unsafe organic products into safe compost. On the other side, it is slow process and takes lot of space.
and turns it to

Waste to Energy (Recover Energy)

Waste to energy(WtE) process involves converting of non-recyclable waste items into useable heat, electricity, or fuel through a variety of processes. This type of source of energy is a renewable energy source as non-recyclable waste can be used over and over again to create energy. It can also help to reduce carbon emissions by offsetting the need for energy from fossil sources. Waste-to-Energy, also widely recognized by its acronym WtE is the generation of energy in the form of heat or electricity from waste.

Avoidance/Waste Minimization

The most easier method of waste management is to reduce creation of waste materials thereby reducing the amount of waste going to landfills. Waste reduction can be done through recycling old materials like jar, bags, repairing broken items instead of buying new one, avoiding use of disposable products like plastic bags, reusing second hand items, and buying items that uses less designing.

Recycling and composting are a couple of the best methods of waste management. Composting is so far only possible on a small scale, either by private individuals or in areas where waste can be mixed with farming soil or used for landscaping purposes. Recycling is widely used around the world, with plastic, paper and metal leading the list of the most recyclable items. Most material recycled is reused for its original purpose.

The Bottom Line

There are certain waste types that are considered as hazardous and cannot be disposed of without special handling which will prevent contamination from occurring. Biomedical waste is one example of such. This is found in health care facilities and similar institutions. The special waste disposal system for this unit in place to dispose of this type of waste.

As you can see there are plenty of important things that you should know about waste management and disposal in order to ensure that you are safe, as well as that you are keeping the environment safe. It is your choices as to how you will dispose of waste, however it is always in your best interest to take a look at all of the options that you have available before making the choice.

How Much Does Trash Disposal Service Cost?

Junk Removal Service Prices

Junk hauling is a dirty job but somebody’s got to do it. It’s cliché, I know, but sometimes you have junk piled up and just want it taken away so you can have the space back. Junk is an eyesore, it takes up valuable space, and it can weigh on your psyche to have too much junk. Waste removal can help you clean up your environment. The great thing is there are companies that will come directly to your door to take your junk or waste away for you. Leave your waste from the experts of green waste disposal, I know they will use composting materials for our garbage.

Waste Removal Service Costs

The costs for junk to be hauled away will be in the range of $180 to $850. $850 worth of trash is a good sized load of trash. If you have trouble picturing how much garbage that really is, take a look at these websites to get a feel for the volume that these trash removal companies use:

Looking for junk removal services? Get free quotes from local waste removal companies in your local area. Talk to up to four professional companies, get free pricing, and find the best deal. It’s fast and easy! Start now!

For example, $180 will afford you to have a trash hauling service haul away a table and a few chairs. $850 will afford you to have a service pile up a small apartment worth of furniture into their truck.

Most trash removal services load the items on to their trucks themselves. One great part about getting rid of your old junk by hiring a service is the fact you don’t have to load it!
Things to Consider

Sometimes, you can make money from your junk. One great example of this is junk car removal. Some old car removal companies will actually buy your junk car from you and remove it for free.

Some waste removal services charge extra for lifting heavy items. Ask your junk hauling if they do, especially if you know you have particularly heavy items.

Where is the waste? Is the trash you need removed in a basement or is it easily accessible in a garage where someone can drive a truck directly up to it. Will the waste hauling company carry the junk down stairs or upstairs? Or do they insist you have all your junk in an accessible location where they can simply load it onto a truck?

LTC to Offer Electrical Continuing Education Seminars

Lakeshore Technical College is offering a series of electrical continuing education seminars in February and March. Participants can take one or both of the seminars in the series. Electrician Brighton are in charge of installing the wirings and systems that provide electrical power to any building or facility.

The first seminar, Electrical Code Interactive Update: 2017 NEC & SPS 316, will be held on Tuesday, February 20 from 5:30-8:30pm. This seminar will provide information on vital changes and expansions of the NEC. Participants should bring their 2011 and 2017 National Electrical Code books. The seminar will go through changes from the 2011 to the 2017 National Electrical Code and SPS 316.

This seminar will be held in the Manitowoc County Training Room on the Cleveland campus and the cost is $79. The course is approved for all electricians and inspectors certified by DSPS: Commercial Electrical Inspector; Industrial Journeyman Electrician; Journeyman Electrician; Master Electrician; Registered Electrician; Residential Journeyman Electrician; Residential Master Electrician; and UDC-Electrical Inspector. The class should also be acceptable for Design Professionals. The class number is 26466.

The second seminar being offered is Electrical Safety & Arc Flash Hazard. This seminar will be held on Tuesday, March 13 from 5:30-9:30pm. Participants will learn about electrical safety and arc flash hazard in one 4-hour course. This class is approved for 4 hours of continuing education credit by the DSPS for those with credentials as Commercial Electrical Inspector, Journeyman Electrician, Master Electrician, and UDC-Electrical Inspector.

Electrical Safety is designed to educate the learner about the safety hazards involved in working with or near electricity. We will review the basics of electricity, discuss electrical terms, and identify methods that can be used to ensure proper operation of electrical equipment. Topics that will be covered: Voltage, Current, Resistance and Power; Conductors & Insulators; Direct Current & Alternating Current; and Single-phase and Three-phase Power.

New industry standards establish safe practices to protect electrical workers from the hazards of shock, electrocution, arc flash, and arc blast. These standards include: OSHA 29 Code of Federal Regulations Part 1910, Subpart S; NFPA 70-2014 National Electrical Code; and NFPA 70E-2015, Standard for Electrical Safety Requirements for Employee Workplaces. Participants will examine these standards, gain an understanding of their significance, and learn how to apply them in the workplace. This class will be held in the Manitowoc County Training Room and the cost is $125. The class number is 21308.

To register by phone with credit card, call 1.888.GO TO LTC (1.888.468.6582) Ext. 1366. For questions or detailed information, visit or call Ruth Semph at 920.693.1167, or e-mail at

About Lakeshore Technical College

Each year more than 11,000 people enroll in courses at Lakeshore Technical College. They rely on LTC for job preparation, to earn a degree, upgrade a specialized skill, train as an apprentice, or seek a high school equivalency. LTC faculty and staff meet students where they are in life and help them get one step closer to achieving their goals.

Close to 1,000 students graduate from LTC each year, and LTC’s associate degree graduates earn an average starting salary of $45,000 per year. In addition to the Cleveland campus, LTC serves students in Manitowoc and Sheboygan, and offers classes at four sites throughout the district. Visit LTC at The value of electrician nowadays is very important so always get in touch with us.

Schneider Electric, partnering with Temasek, has reached an agreement to buy Larsen & Toubro’s Electrical & Automation business

I talked to electrician Melbourne CBD about my faulty wiring at home they are very detailed on how they will fix it.

Key highlights:

Combined business well-positioned to serve the fast-growing Indian Energy Management and Industrial Automation Market
Transaction to combine Schneider Electric’s strong global technology platform, digital offers and global presence with L&T Electrical & Automation’s wide domestic reach, coupled with end-to-end R&D and manufacturing capabilities specific to Indian market
Make in India: Post transaction, India to become one of the key innovation and manufacturing hub for India as well as for global markets.
India becomes the third largest country in terms of revenues for Schneider Electric, at par with France
Strong shareholder base: Schneider Electric and Temasek to own combined business with 65% and 35% shareholding respectively

Rueil-Malmaison (France), May 1, 2018: Schneider Electric, the global leader in digital transformation of energy management and automation today announces the signing of an agreement with Larsen and Toubro Ltd. (“L&T”), a leading conglomerate in India to buy its Electrical and Automation business (“L&T E&A”)(1) and combine it with Schneider Electric India’s Low voltage and Industrial Automation Product business(2) (the “Combined Business”). Temasek, an investment company headquartered in Singapore, will invest in the combined business and will hold 35% of it.

L&T E&A is a recognized player in the Energy Management and Industrial Automation business in India led by an experienced management team. It offers low and medium voltage switchgear, electrical systems & equipment, energy management, metering and industrial automation solutions. It benefits from an extensive ecosystem of partners covering more than 260 cities in India. It has an efficient local manufacturing footprint with 5 manufacturing locations in India along with robust local R&D capabilities. The company is also present in the Middle-East and South-East Asia markets. L&T E&A has over 5,000 employees, excluding Marine Switchgear and Servowatch Systems.

India is the third largest economy in Asia Pacific and sixth largest in the world with c.US$ 2.6 trillion GDP. It is also the fastest growing large economy globally with an expected 2018 GDP growth rate of 7.4% (based on IMF data). With strong growth in the buildings and infrastructure segments coupled with growth in industrial manufacturing driven notably by the Indian Government’s program to develop industries through ‘Make in India’, the market is expected to grow high-single digit to double-digit(3) for energy management offers and double-digit(3) for industrial automation offers over the coming years. The combined business of Schneider Electric’s Low Voltage and Industrial Automation Product business and L&T E&A will be uniquely positioned to benefit from these trends.

Schneider Electric is committed to investing in India’s growth, with its businesses being present in India since 1963. With this transaction, India will become the third largest country for Schneider Electric in terms of revenues (c. €1.6bn), at par with France.

Temasek is a global investor anchored in Asia, with India accounting for around 5% of its S$275b net portfolio value based on underlying assets, as at 31 March 2017. Temasek’s investment deepens its exposure to India, as well as to the industrial sector. Temasek and Schneider Electric both recognize India’s significant growth opportunities, further accentuated by the Indian Government’s “Make in India” policy. Make in India seeks to promote growth in the domestic market, establish India as a strong R&D hub and enhance production capabilities to service the Indian market and new economies, using India as a hub. With this combination, Schneider Electric and Temasek are establishing a company with scale, efficiency and channel partner outreach across India. It will offer innovative products and solutions to Indian customers, bringing differentiation in a dynamic and competitive market having many major global and local low voltage switchgear players.

The combined business with more than €1bn in revenues will create significant synergies and efficiencies by leveraging on the complementary businesses of Schneider and L&T E&A business, including

utilization of L&T E&A’s R&D set up with capability to locally develop products suited for India and other new economies with Schneider’s global technology and best practices;
wide range of products and technologically superior solutions to the Indian consumers across portfolios and price points;
widespread network of distributors/ channel partners and extensive geographical reach across India, enabling Schneider access to consumers in tier 2 and tier 3 cities and semi-urban and rural areas across India, where Schneider Electric currently has a limited presence;
enhanced manufacturing footprint in India which will result in greater domestic production, reduced dependence on imports and increased employment opportunities;
developing India as the “fourth” hub for Schneider globally (the other three being US, France and China) to cater to the growing Indian market as well as develop India as global markets;
expertise in additional segments within industries, infrastructure and construction; and
strong organizational capability of L&T E&A to execute integrated electrical and automation projects with custom engineered solutions. Apart from creating a stronger solution capability in the organization, it will also create strong demand for products of combined business from projects.

The combined business will therefore offer a comprehensive portfolio of products and solutions in India at competitive prices, for large partners and customer base in many segments, across geographies.

As part of the contemplated transaction, L&T E&A would be acquired for an Enterprise Value (EV) of INR 14,000 Cr (c. €1.75bn)(4). The deal is subject to customary approvals from the Competition Commission of India and other regulatory authorities and is expected to close once regulatory approvals are in place.

Jean-Pascal Tricoire, Schneider Electric, Chairman and CEO stated, “By bringing together the Low Voltage and Industrial Automation Products Business of Schneider Electric India and L&T E&A, we are creating an innovative company in Energy Management and Industrial Automation in one of world’s largest and fastest growing economies – India. Our market reach in India will be further strengthened by the extensive ecosystem of partners of E&A and we will harness the strengths of both organizations to address the electrical and automation requirements of India and global market. India will become our third largest business in the world, and one of our four major R&D and manufacturing global hubs. Our combined company will actively contribute to make India green, digital, and reinforce its role as a center for R&D and manufacturing. We are pleased to partner with Temasek which brings a tremendous expertise of Asian markets.”

About Schneider Electric
Schneider Electric is leading the Digital Transformation of Energy Management and Automation in Homes, Buildings, Data Centers, Infrastructure and Industries. With global presence in over 100 countries, Schneider is the undisputable leader in Power Management – Medium Voltage, Low Voltage and Secure Power, and in Automation Systems. We provide integrated efficiency solutions, combining energy, automation and software. In our global Ecosystem, we collaborate with the largest Partner, Integrator and Developer Community on our Open Platform to deliver real-time control and operational efficiency. We believe that great people and partners make Schneider a great company and that our commitment to Innovation, Diversity and Sustainability ensures that Life Is On everywhere, for everyone and at every moment.

About Temasek
Incorporated in 1974, Temasek is an investment company headquartered in Singapore.
Supported by its global network of international offices, Temasek owns a S$275 billion (US$197b, €184b, £158b, RMB1.35t) portfolio as at 31 March 2017, with significant exposure to Singapore and the rest of Asia. Our investment activities are guided by four investment themes and the long term trends they represent: Transforming Economies; Growing Middle Income Populations; Deepening Comparative Advantages; and Emerging Champions. Our investment strategy allows us to capture opportunities across the sectors in which we invest that help bring about a better, smarter and more connected world. We actively seek sustainable solutions to address present and future challenges. Across the three pillars of the Temasek Charter, we recognise the need to do well as an investor; to do right as an institution; and to do good as a steward. Have trouble with your electrical issues may resolve immediately if you get in touch with us.
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Niagara Falls and the History of Electricity

To see the role of Niagara Falls in electricity, we have to go back to electricity’s humble beginnings. Our team of electrician 24 hours Melbourne ensure all work carried out is safe and to the best standard.

Most of us know that Thomas Edison was credited with the invention of the incandescent light bulb. It was a technological achievement that ultimately changed the way we lived as our activities started to encroach well beyond sunset.

However, did you know that Edison almost undermined the electricity revolution by championing the DC electric current for electricity networks?

DC current (or “direct current” as opposed to AC current or “alternating current”) pertains to the flow of electrons directly from the source (like a battery) to the load (like a light bulb). You can kind of think of it like water flowing from a reservoir high up on a hill and streaming downhill in a channel or creek towards a waterwheel, where the force of the moving water turns the wheel and does work for you. If you were to look at a DC current on an oscilloscope (which displays voltage as a function of time), it would be more or less a straight line.

Ever the entrepreneur and inventor, Edison sought to leverage his patents and control the electricity delivery (transmission) to customers needing to light up the night without noxious and staining fumes from gas lamps or candles (see how the power grid for transmission and distribution of electricity works).

However, DC has its drawbacks as it tended to be limited in range as it was susceptible to energy loss (as heat) as it moved across the wires carrying the electricity (wires could be modeled as resistors, which generate what’s called Joule heating when current passes through it). Many of the clients who employed DC had to be located within one mile of the DC generators as a result. The voltage was also low voltage since Edison positioned it as “safe” and worry-free from electrocution.

George Westinghouse and Nikola Tesla (who ironically was Edison’s secretary) challenged Edison and championed AC current.

AC pertains to the alternating direction of flow of electricity from source to load. Periodically, the current moves in one direction, then flows in the opposite direction. If you were to look at an AC current on an oscilloscope, you would see a sine wave wiggling about zero volts in the vertical middle (i.e. the mean or average).

It turned out that AC had many benefits and it allowed engineers to capitalize on breakthroughs at the time. This included Tesla’s induction motor (which exploited Faraday’s Law to convert magnetic fields into an AC electrical current – the basis of most generators today) as well as William Stanley’s commercial transformer (which allowed the ability to “step-up” or “step-down” AC current – the basis for transmission of electricity over long distances and overcoming line losses) among others.

Edison tried to vilify AC as dangerous. He even encouraged capital punishment to use AC for electric chairs to make the public associate AC with death and thus turn to Edison’s “safer” DC.

After several years of fighting a public relations, legislative, financial, and technological battles, it turned out that Niagara Falls would play a crucial role in tilting the battle of AC versus DC in favor of AC.

The falls was like the scene for the climax of the epic battle between AC and DC. Both camps saw the powerful waterfall as a means to demonstrate the superiority of one technology over the other. The stage was set for numerous power companies to try to divert water upstream from the falls and route them to turbines which in turn generated the electricity.

Edison’s limited range DC meant customers had to be close to the falls to attain the benefits of the DC generators he championed. This is the basis for what’s known as distributed generation, where users had to be located close to the source of the power though you could have multiple generators each serving a localized community in a de-centralized network.

Meanwhile, the Tesla/Westinghouse camp were able to directly use the AC generated by the turbines spun by the force of the Niagara River diversions, step up the voltages with a transformer (up to hundreds of thousands of volts), send it long distances (to Buffalo nearly 30 miles away and eventually to Manhattan where there’s Broadway and Wall Street), and step down the voltages with a transformer to a more usable form for lights and eventually other inventions to come like machines (for manufacturing), radios, televisions, calculators, etc.

While the hydroelectric schemes at Niagara Falls weren’t the first to demonstrate Tesla’s generation motors or that it was possible to use hydro for electricity, it was the first of its kind for industrial use.

Thus, the stage was set for the adoption of AC, which eventually paved the way for energy monopolists (like Samuel Insull), federal involvement in regulating (and in many cases enhancing monopolies) of electricity, standardizing the electricity (so you could plug your electronics in one area and it would still work elsewhere in the country; our current American standard is 120V AC oscillating at 60Hz), and the expansion of the electricity grid across the Nation as well as the world.

In essence, the AC current paved the way for centralized generation and consequent distribution and transmission of electricity to customers. Thus, the energy utilities started to gain influence and power, which still remains to this day.

Today, we take for granted that we plug in our electronics to the wall socket and get electricity to power our computers, chargers, TVs, lights, microwaves, refrigerators, etc. Yet it was a waterfall that was instrumental in the eventual adoption of our electricity grid, and thus changed our lives forever.

Now while Edison ultimately lost the technological battle between AC and DC, he might end up getting the last laugh as environmental, political, and economic pressures are steering the electricity industry back towards de-centralized distributed generation (though not totally in favor of low voltage DC as Edison would’ve liked). This opens the possibility for clean renewable energy (solar, wind, geothermal, wave, etc.) to compete with energy utility monopolies for power generation and distribution (which is currently by coal-fired plants, natural gas, nuclear, and hydroelectric) by being more efficient, environmentally friendly, and cheaper. Whether this happens sooner rather than later largely depends on all the backroom dealings, money exchanges, promises, and debating amongst government and industry interests (this includes lobbyists and politicians taking money from industry) who make the decisions as to how the Nation moves forward on this matter.

Johnny T. Cheng is author of the award-winning A Guide to New Zealand Waterfalls (Story Nature Press). Find out more about his book at or visit his waterfalls website at

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A Do It Yourself Plug and Lighting Electricity Audit

A Do it Yourself Home energy audit is easiest if electricity is used exclusively for plug load and lighting. In the event that it’s also used for heating and cooling, it’s best to call in a home energy auditor so they can help you track down the air leaks in your home and help you figure out where to add insulation, weather-stripping, and plug air leaks to bring your heating bills down — or you can calculate plug load in the non-heating season. Chances of getting a job as an electrician Brisbane Southside are good due to a construction boom and a shortage of trained workers.

In our home’s case, I know our electricity use is entirely plug load and lighting since we use natural gas for heating, hot water and cooking. So, there are two parts to an electricity audit: the first involves calculating your lighting load, the second is calculating the appliance and other electronics load. Calculating the lighting load using the following method is straightforward since no extra equipment is required and all the information you need is written on the light bulb (usually).

Calculating lighting load: Decide whether you’re going to start from the top or bottom of your home, but work your way systematically from the front of your house to the back visiting every room, bathroom and closet that has lights. Note your ceiling lights, table lamps and undermount lights, their wattage and estimate how much time they’re on each day. Include closets if they have lights in them.

In our kitchen there are six 50 watt halogen lights that are on in the morning for 1 hour for six months of the year and 2 hours for six months. In the evening, the six lights are on for three hours in the summer and five hours in the winter. There are also two incandescent hanging lamps which are on for three hours in the evening. So, calculating the amount of electricity the kitchen lighting load for an average day (estimate 1.5 hours per morning, 4 hours per evening for a total of 5.5 hours per day).

6 lights x 50 watts/light x 5.5 hours per day + 2 lights x 60 watts/light x 3 hours per day = 2,010 watt-hours per day or 2 kwh per day. Therefore, in one month the kitchen lights use 61 kwh of electricity.

Repeat this process for every room in your house and add up your total lighting consumption at the end. The results will tell you how much of your total electricity bill is dedicated to lighting. In our house, I estimate that our lighting bill accounts for 20% of our total electricity bill before central air is turned on.

Finding your electricity hogs: So, if lighting only accounts for 20% of our home’s total energy use, where is the other 80% coming from? Appliances, computers, TVs, digital boxes, stereos, cellphone and game chargers, gaming stations, alarm systems, digital clocks and of course, air conditioning.

There are plenty of websites that will give you approximate information about how much electricity your plugged in electronics, small appliances and major appliances use. But if you’re Type A like me, then you might be interested in determining exactly where you’re using the most energy instead of just making educated guesses. There are a few reasons to do it this way: one is that the results may surprise you — perhaps you thought it was your four-year old dryer that was using the most energy, but in fact it might be your 15-year-old deep freeze — especially when you consider that it runs 24-7- 365. Another surprise might be seeing how much energy your TV-Surround Sound-Gaming System use — even when it’s off (because it’s not really off, it’s in standby, still drawing electricity, commonly referred to as phantom power).

Measuring the electricity draw of each device is fairly simple, but to do it properly, you’ll need a few tools.

1. Pencil/pen and paper for recording your findings,

2. Calculator for the math-challenged like myself,

3. Energy monitoring device such as a Kill A Watt EZ monitor or PowerCost monitor. sells energy monitoring devices, and Canadian Tire sells a Blue Planet Energy Monitor. I’ve also read that some libraries, such as the Ottawa Public Library, will loan out the Kill A Watt.

Go through each room in your house, identify everything that is plugged into a wall aside from lamps — which you’ve already done in part I. Don’t forget to measure things that might be put away but are used on a daily basis. Below is a list of some, but not all, of the possible electricity using devices in each room. Generally though, you only need to count the items you use daily or weekly.

Bedrooms contain a variety of items from clocks/iPods and chargers, TVs, digital boxes, DVD players, computers, in addition to lamps and overhead lighting.

Bathrooms have a lot of appliances that you might use in the morning getting ready for the day including hair dryers, curling irons, straightening irons, etc. These items can use a lot of electricity even if it’s only for a short amount of time.

Kitchen. All those small appliances that get used daily including toasters, toaster ovens, coffeemakers, microwaves, hand blenders, etc. can really add up. Also try to determine how old your fridge, dishwasher and oven are, using the PowerCost monitor you can determine how much electricity each appliance is consuming. For a rough and ready estimate, visit The Office of Energy Efficiency for the Government of Canada for a chart on how much electricity appliances consume.

Laundry room. Washer and dryer, iron, steamer.

Living room/Family room/Great room. Stereo, TV, DVD player, surround sound system, digital TV PVR box, gaming system, video player, musical instruments such as electric amps, guitars, keyboards.

Home Office. Computer, monitor, speakers, printer, scanner, photocopier, telephone, cellphone charger, wireless router, modem, etc. If you’re using a measuring device, be careful about unplugging and replugging devices back in as some cause an automatic reset on devices. Check your manuals first.

Furnace and utility room. Dehumidifier, furnace fan, electric hot water heater, central air conditioner, alarm system, whole home sound system, sump pump, etc..If you still have access to the manuals, for some of these devices it would be better to check them for electricity consumption or look up their energy consumption online. Some items are better left untouched unless you know what you’re doing — in this case a measurement device like the Power Cost monitor is better than the Kill a Watt because it measures pulse changes in your electricity consumption and devices don’t need to be unplugged.

Garage and outside. Lawn mower, weed wacker, whipper snipper, garden lighting, pool heater, hot tub heater, cabana lights/fridge, stereo, etc.

For each of these devices estimate how much time they’re on for daily, multiply the wattage by time and divide by 1000 to get the number of kilowatt hours they’re drawing. Ex:

number of hours device is on x watts / 1000 watts = x kilowatt hours.

so, for a hair dryer that draws 1000 watts that’s used for 10 minutes or 1/6 of an hour daily

1/6×1000/1000= 0.167 kwh daily.

At this point we’re just recording how much electricity each device uses and estimating how much it gets used. You should have accounted for, in theory, about 90-95% of your overall electricity use after systematically going through each room in the house.

Once you’ve totaled everything, you will be able to see just how much electricity each of the appliances and lights in your house are using. This knowledge gives you the power to make better decisions and create an action plan as to how to lower your electricity consumption, whether through adjusting behaviour, replacing outdated appliances, or putting game consoles and computers on timers. Get in touch with energy savers suggestion by our electrician.

Cathy Rust is a LEED Accredited Professional who writes about green building materials, energy and water efficiency at BEC Green. She provides information on what’s available and where to buy green building materials and energy efficiency products and services in Toronto and surrounding area. For more information on available eco-friendly building materials and energy efficiency tips, visit: “BEC Green”

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How to Acid Wash a Swimming Pool

Swimming pools are continually attacked by algae. Algae enter your swimming pool from the wind, rain, and even contaminated swim suits. Typically, the normal recommended amounts of chlorine or bromine are able to kill algae when it makes contact with the water. However, if the pool has been stagnant for a long period of time, or if the winterizing process was not performed properly the algae may take over. If this happens, the swimming pool will likely turn to a dark black or green color and you won’t be able to even see the bottom. The pool will likely require an acid wash to restore it to its former beauty and cleanliness. As a general rule of thumb if you can see the bottom of a swimming pool, you can usually bring it back with chemicals, vacuuming, and filtering. If the floor is not visible, the cost of chemicals and electricity for filtering will far exceed the cost of an acid wash. Filtering and chemicals will also take a very long time to kill and remove the algae, thus making an acid wash much more cost and time effective. If algae seems to be able to grow overnight even with proper chemical maintenance, changing the water and acid washing the plaster surface of your swimming pool will give you an algae free summer. Not a waste of money but convenient for a pool removal cost Sydney.

An acid wash will strip a tiny layer of plaster off of the swimming pool, thereby exposing the newer, cleaner plaster underneath. It shouldn’t be an annual custom since it doing so will strip all of the plaster away and create a need to completely re-plaster the swimming pool. Most plaster coats of white coat or marcite are more than ½ an inch thick, so the occasional acid wash isn’t harmful to the swimming pool. Acid washes can also be used to bring out a brighter and cleaner finish for your swimming pool, and not necessarily due to an algae crisis. A swimming pool always comes out brighter and cleaner from an acid wash.

The acid used for acid washing is Muriatic acid. Muriatic acid is more commonly known as Hydrochloric acid with the chemical symbol HCl. It is found in highly concentrated forms at the average swimming pool stores, and the dangers cannot be emphasized enough. Acid is a dangerous substance. Anyone who acid washes their pool must take proper precautions to assure safe handling of the acid and to minimize exposure. Wear proper protective clothing, with an air purifying respirator designed for acid fumes. Wear safety goggles not safety glasses, rubber gloves, and boots. Pool company personnel are specially trained in acid application and acid safety.

The first thing to do for an acid wash is to drain the pool completely. As the pool drains wash and scrub it down as necessary to remove all algae and leaves. When the pool is empty and dry, it is time to begin the acid wash. Be sure to don all of your protective clothing and equipment.

To obtain the proper acid mixture of 50/50, add one gallon of acid to one gallon of water in a large flower watering can (Always add acid to water, never the other way around as you will risk an explosion). Using a running garden hose without a nozzle, wet down the walls of your pool. Keep the hose running continuously while cleaning the pool. Pour the acid down the swimming pool sides, from top to bottom, one ten foot section at a time (start at the deep end, working your way to the shallow end). Do not allow the acid to sit on the plaster for longer than thirty seconds as this will cause damage. Use an acid brush to scrub the surfaces of the pool and move the acid around. After scrubbing, rinse thoroughly and quickly. Take care to remove all of the acid from the pool walls. Any acid left behind will continue to etch the plaster. If the 50/50 acid mixture is unable to remove all of the stains, you can increase the concentration, or the length of time the acid remains on the walls, and/or scrub harder.

After the acid wash, all of the acid will have collected on the bottom of the swimming pool. It will look like a foamy acid puddle and will need to be neutralized before being pumped out. In order to neutralize the acid use 2 pounds of soda ash for every gallon of acid that has been used. Soda ash can be found at pool supply stores. Spread the soda ash over the puddle while stirring with a pool brush on a pole. Once the acid is neutralized, you may use swimming pool testing strips to measure the pH and check if the acid is neutral. Do not use a chemical testing kit as the acid may damage the plastic testing container. Neutral is on the pH scale of 7. Anything below 7 is still acidic. Once the acid is neutral, a submersible pump may be used to pump the neutralized acid out of the pool. Be careful where the neutralized acid is pumped to as it may destroy plants and kill fish, frogs, or any other living things. Once the acid is pumped out, rinse the bottom of the pool again.

Don’t rush the acid job. Do the job slowly and safely. Acid fumes can be very strong and very dangerous. Be sure your respirator can block all acid fumes. Make sure the safety goggles fully protect your eyes. Be sure to wear old pants, a long sleeve shirt, rubber gloves and rubber boots. Spray yourself off before exiting the pool. Always have a second person nearby when acid washing the pool to help with any emergencies including calling 911 should the need arise. If acid falls into the mouth, eye, ear, or on exposed skin, rinse with the hose for 15 minutes.

If the swimming pool is lined with vinyl, do not use acid. Instead use detergents and elbow grease to remove the algae from the walls. Try not drain the liner pool completely as liner is difficult to reset into place. There is also the small possibility of the pool walls collapsing.

It is strongly recommended that you hire a professional to perform the acid wash for you, rather than do it yourself. After a thorough acid wash, the swimming pool will look like brand new. With proper chemical maintenance from this point forward, the pool should not have any further significant algae problems.


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